I upgraded my Graylog servers (multi-nodes) from Debian 9 to Debian 11. I see in documentation Graylog is supported to Debian 10 (not Debian 11). Can I have any problems if I let servers in Debian 11?
OS Information: Debian 11 - 2 CPUs - 4 GB RAM - 30 GB storage
Package Version: Graylog 4.2.12 - ES elasticsearch-oss/now 7.10.2 - MongoDB 4.0.28 amd64
2 servers with Graylog/ES/MongoDB (cluster) and 1 server with ES/MongoDB (quorum server).
4. How can the community help?
Confirm Graylog work without issues with Debian 11 and future Graylog updates will work fine.
Thanks in advance,