Graylog OVA import problems


I tried to deploy the OVA file into vCenter 6.5 (Version Build 7801515) but it shows the following error:

The provided manifest file is invalid: Invalid OVF manifest entry: .

Hopefully this can get fixed in the forthcoming releases.

I’ve always imported the OVA using the /UI host client, not the vCenter one. Maybe you’ve identified a bug with vCenter… who knows. FYI I deployed the latest OVA just a month ago using the ESXi host web client


what version of the image did you use? Did you have any kind of logfiles that would help to identify the issue?

Maybe it is a vCenter bug… who knows. I will give it a try with the host UI and come back to you.

I used the latest version of the OVA downloaded yesterday (graylog-2.4.3-1.ova). Unfortunately the logs are not of too much help.

@bubba198: The host UI also gives an error on the manifest. (The provided manifest file is invalid: Invalid OVF manifest entry: .)
@jan: After trying again several times, I always end up in the same error.

I have opened a case with VMware:

Task Details:

Status: Failed to deploy OVF package.
Start Time: Mar 5, 2018 10:56:34 AM
Completed Time: Mar 5, 2018 10:56:44 AM
State: error

Error Stack:

The provided manifest file is invalid: Invalid OVF manifest entry: .

Additional Task Details:

VC Build: 7801515
Error Type: OvfImportFailed
Task Id: Task
Cancelable: true
Canceled: false
Description Id: com.vmware.ovfs.ImportSession.Create

This happens with Graylog 2.4.3-1.ova.

I will give it a try with older versions and come back to you.

Best regards,

Dear @jan, @bubba198,

I finally got a bit more of information:

Issues detected with selected template. Details: - 48:10:VALUE_ILLEGAL: Value ‘‘PIIX4’’ of ResourceSubType element not found in []. - 57:10:VALUE_ILLEGAL: Value ‘‘PIIX4’’ of ResourceSubType element not found in []. - 66:10:VALUE_ILLEGAL: Value ‘‘3’’ of Parent element does not refer to a ref of type DiskControllerReference.

I am using vCenter and ESXi 6.5 so the “thick” client is not an option for me anymore.

Best regards,

Dear @jan, @bubba198,

I finally got it working by modifying the manifest (ovf file) with the following information:

        <rasd:Description>SCSI Controller</rasd:Description>
        <rasd:Description>SCSI Controller</rasd:Description>

Best regards,

@cormite Excellent find Carlos, thanks for sharing. So just to clarify you replaced the value of PIIX4 with lsilogic in those 2 instances and that made it work?


Dear @bubba198,

it is a pleasure.
I have not only modified the lines where PIIX4 was present.
See that you had in your ovf file ide controllers and those had to also be modified for SCSI.
I thought it would be easier to paste the whole block so if someone else has the same issue they just need to copy and paste.

This is the part in your ovf file:

    <rasd:Description>IDE Controller</rasd:Description>
    <rasd:Description>IDE Controller</rasd:Description>

And this is the final one after my modifications:

        <rasd:Description>SCSI Controller</rasd:Description>
        <rasd:Description>SCSI Controller</rasd:Description>

Those are lines 48 to 65.

If you wish I could also upload the ovf file which works (send me instructions to do so as ovf is not an allowed extension for upload).


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Thanks Carlos, I think someone from the Graylog team should notice your excellent detective work and fix the defect in the latest OVA.

I recall over a year ago one of the OVA releases had sound card hardware defined (which was causing import issues) and it took few days for the team to identify that and correct it with a new OVA upload on Github…

you are right @bubba198

The main problem is that we do not have a vCenter installation to test your configuration/OVA on that.

@cormite would you mind creating a issue over at github explain what and why you have to modify?

Thank you


done :wink:


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