Error deploying OVA "The provided manifest file is invalid"

Hi all, has anyone encountered “The provided manifest file is invalid: Invalid OVF manifest entry:” during deploying ova with vmware 6.5?
I’ve tried to download again file, download another version or correct manifest using ovftool but no results
Any ideas?

This is now ‘normal’ when connecting to Vmware Virtual Center with the web client (both flash and html5).
Use the ‘old’ thick client to connect to one of the ESXi machines in the VMware cluster as root.
Go to Home -> Inventory
Use the menu option File -> Deploy OVF template …
After deployment the machine will appear in the vCenter inventory as normal.


Harry Werkman

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Thanks a lot, it works!


How you can use the old vsphere client with wmware 6.5?
Only the webclient works for this version non?



You can connect directly to host using the client

oh ok good news, the flash client is awful and it miss some features, like choose files (only url) in ovf deployment in HTML5 client

You can connect to https://yourhost/ui and use html5 client for that specific host to upload ovf file from file; but I agree with you, there are a lot of limitations, we all want old vsphere client for 6.5 :slight_smile:

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