I am trying to deploy the OVA file into VMware 6.7. I get the following error in VMware: The provided manifest file is invalid: Invalid OVF manifest entry:.
I tried using the VMware OVF Tool, but the tool fails and says: No manifest entry found for: ‘graylog.ovf’
For those running vSphere environments, OVA deployment is a bag of hurt with a long history that fills multiple pages of Google results. If I set up a test lab with all of the common virtualization technologies and land on a configuration that works and makes everyone happy, would it eventually become merged into the project? Consider it my contribution to FOSS…
Say that we just decided this is a pain and I still want to use VMware. Would it be best in everyone’s opinion to load up a Ubuntu server in VMware and then install Graylog on top of it. Again, I am a novice to this system and to a central logging systems, as we have never used them in the past.
Server team was able to get the OVA over to VMware successfully. I will open a new thread based on the stability issues if I can’t get them resolved. Thank you!