Why can’t I change the status of an index, which was closed and I have previously opened, to closed?
I only have the options “Recalculate index range” and “Delete index”.
I have a single graylog node, with version 6.0.3
Why can’t I change the status of an index, which was closed and I have previously opened, to closed?
I only have the options “Recalculate index range” and “Delete index”.
I have a single graylog node, with version 6.0.3
Hey @pagudo,
Can you see the ‘disabled_retention_strategies’ option within your /etc/graylog/server/server.conf?
Hello, thank you for your reply and interest
I have done some tests with that parameter and the only effect I have noticed in the UI is in the “Index Set Defaults Configuration” section (System>Configurations>Index Set Defaults>Edit configuration> field Select rotation strategy)
Currently the variable “disabled_retention_strategies” is commented.
root@xxxx:/# cat /etc/graylog/server/server.conf | grep disabled_retention_strategies
# disabled_retention_strategies =
Set the variable like this, in “Index Set Defaults Configuration” I have available “Delete Index”, “Close Index”, “Do nothing”.
Any combination of the disabled_retention_strategies values has no effect on the actions that can be exercised on a particular index.
@pagudo It does seem like the option has been removed. In the meantime indices can be closed as below.
curl -XPOST
Can I ask what the use case was for closing, was it part of a self implemented archiving system?
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