License page not opening


sorry if this should be an amateurisch question.

To test it, I have installed Graylog 2.5.1 as a docker container, roughly following the instructions from .

I have asked for a test license and received it per e-mail.

I have installed the three enterprise plugins like that:

$ docker exec -i -t graylog_graylog_1 /bin/bash
root@9e0f2bf1272d:/usr/share/graylog# ls -l plugin/
total 15124
-rw-rw-r-- 1 graylog graylog 8100433 Jan 29 15:11 graylog-plugin-archive-2.5.1.jar
-rw-rw-r-- 1 graylog graylog 2868803 Jan 29 15:11 graylog-plugin-auditlog-2.5.1.jar
-rw-rw-r-- 1 graylog graylog 4510903 Jan 29 15:11 graylog-plugin-license-2.5.1.jar

After that installation (and Graylog restart), there is an entry in the System menu: Licenses, where I should import that test license.

Problem: When I click on the Licenses entry, nothing happens. After that, I can switch to different menus, but the page never reloads until I hit F5. If I open Licenses in a new browser tab, a blank page opens.

I have not found this issue in the documentation, Github issues or here, and hope that somebody can give me a clue.

Thanks for reading!

did you have removed the other plugins that are installed by default? If you only have the three listed plugins you miss some … than it will not work

of course! That was the problem. I damaged the plugin directory when I installed the enterprise packages. Now that the other plugins are back in place, the menu opens normally.

It’s remarkable that the software did not muck up more!

Thanks a lot.

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