Integrating swagger with graylog

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how can I integrate swagger in graylog and what are the steps to follow

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I am new to graylog as I am learning new things I wanted to know about graylog api and how it is integrated with swagger.

How can I configure the api browser in graylog?(not the cluster global)

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Hello && welcome @Maverick

I might be able to help, unfortunately I have not used swagger yet.

Are you referring to something like this?

Hello @gsmith ,
I am trying to click the button of api browser it is showing like this in the image.

Hello @gsmith ,
I am getting error in the cluster global api browser in that if I clicked on tryout button it is not getting exceuted and asking for the password.


What error?

Depending on how this environment is setup then yes, it will ask for your username and password.

Hello @gsmith ,
The API browser is running in global mode. API requests made against this URI will not be bound to a specific node, but might end up on any random node in your Graylog cluster. Keep that in mind when using node specific API requests.”
This is the error I am getting in the cluster global api browser.


Not sure what going on and I’m unable to replicate this issue.
How did you configure your Graylog server? Preferably your Graylog configuration file.
Are you running a cluster?

This is what I have.

When I click the API browser I get this.

Doc1.pdf (225.1 KB)
Hello ,
please check this pdf I am getting this error and when I try the try out button that time it is showing password and entering the password it is not working and when cancel it then it show error

@Maverick no offense, but I am not going to open a PDF from a user that joined 2 days ago. Please post a screen shot or copy-paste the error.

Hello, I am not able to upload image it is showing error while uploading

@gsmith asked some good questions: are you running a cluster? Depending on that we can drill down into graylog.conf or server.conf settings.

Sounds like Global API browser is working - use that in the interim.

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But when I click on try out button it is showing error 401

401 is the access denied error, so your credentials or permissions are wrong. Is your user an admin? Different API require different levels of permission to execute.

I am using get method in cluster api for getting the list of user

OK - is your user admin? If not, which roles does the user have configured?

Can you send the all the conifugartion which are required so that I can check ?

For testing, just use admin. You can figure out more limited permissions later.
Here is the relevant documentation: Permission Management

Okay Thankyou I will check on this.

I have attached this image then also getting this error even I am accessing as a admin

You still have to authenticate when using the API - even if you logged into Graylog as admin.
This is expected behavior. Just use the same credentials you used when logging in.