Graylog randomly stopped working and I can’t find any hints to why in the log files. My current Graylog Version is “3.3” and it is running on Centos 7 on Linux. If you need any additional Information please tell me and I will provide the necessary data.
Everything is apparently “running” but I don’t receive any messages anymore. I’ve looked into all the log files and even deleted some to have a fresh log file to look at and I don’t see anything that’s wrong. @Ponet
Could you tell me how I can do that? I’m really fresh to Linux and Centos. Elasticsearch is “Healthy” and the indexes are writable. Would you like to have a look at the log files maybe? I’ve seen something along the lines of "Winlogbeat expected [winlogbeat_user_name] but got [keyword] instead." @Ponet(sorry for the ping, wasn’t sure if you would see this)
As for the ES mapping, that isn’t really my strong suit but, when ES receives messages it analyses the fields and assigns a datatype in the field mappings. From that error, it looks as though the datatype ES is picking up for winlogbeat_user_name field value is ‘keyword’ but, that is not what it was expecting.
I’d recommend looking at the documentation: