Graylog not getting logs

Hi, I am new to graylog and i have an issue. logs are simply not displayed in any streams or inputs, although actual logs are present in graylog container under usr/share/graylog/data/journal/messagejournal-0
I thought there was a problem with elastic search node but everything looks fine. The problem occurred on 19.11.2021 because that is the date of last log that was logged after that everything for some reason stopped working.

Hello && Welcome

We would like to help resolve your issue but lack of information present makes it difficult to troubleshoot this issue. Perhaps this post may enlighten you.

Hi, p9072

Check out the steps below for Teshoot

1- Generate new log in the container and see you receive anything in graylog input?
root@graylog:~# logger “For_Testing”
root@graylog:~# tcpdump host <IP_Container> and port -vvv
2- Delete the container logs in the elastic index with the following command
root@graylog:~# curl -XDELETE “http://localhost:9200/this_index_container”
3- IPTables check in the docker-Host
root@graylog:~# iptables -L

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