Graylog no see source

The Graylog 3.0 can open web base everything ok and then have many log to graylog but no see source and log.

This is log of graylog server (centos7)

2019-02-20T13:10:40.218+07:00 INFO [InputStateListener] Input [Syslog UDP/5c6cec23ca6f1575ea67484a] is now STOPPING
2019-02-20T13:10:40.220+07:00 INFO [connection] Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:9, serverValue:94}] to localhost:27017
2019-02-20T13:10:40.230+07:00 INFO [InputStateListener] Input [Syslog UDP/5c6cec23ca6f1575ea67484a] is now STOPPED
2019-02-20T13:10:40.232+07:00 INFO [InputStateListener] Input [Syslog UDP/5c6cec23ca6f1575ea67484a] is now TERMINATED
2019-02-20T13:10:40.237+07:00 WARN [UdpTransport] receiveBufferSize (SO_RCVBUF) for input SyslogUDPInput{title=syslog-udp, type=org.graylog2.inputs.syslog.udp.SyslogUDPInput, nodeId=0da9df73-4824-4ca1-9858-351849931104} (channel [id: 0x7e7e9d8e, L:/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0:1514]) should be 262144 but is 425984.
2019-02-20T13:10:40.237+07:00 INFO [InputStateListener] Input [Syslog UDP/5c6cec23ca6f1575ea67484a] is now STARTING
2019-02-20T13:10:40.242+07:00 WARN [UdpTransport] receiveBufferSize (SO_RCVBUF) for input SyslogUDPInput{title=syslog-udp, type=org.graylog2.inputs.syslog.udp.SyslogUDPInput, nodeId=0da9df73-4824-4ca1-9858-351849931104} (channel [id: 0x9c6fcc33, L:/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0:1514]) should be 262144 but is 425984.
2019-02-20T13:10:40.246+07:00 WARN [UdpTransport] receiveBufferSize (SO_RCVBUF) for input SyslogUDPInput{title=syslog-udp, type=org.graylog2.inputs.syslog.udp.SyslogUDPInput, nodeId=0da9df73-4824-4ca1-9858-351849931104} (channel [id: 0x483ccb0f, L:/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0:1514]) should be 262144 but is 425984.
2019-02-20T13:10:40.251+07:00 WARN [UdpTransport] receiveBufferSize (SO_RCVBUF) for input SyslogUDPInput{title=syslog-udp, type=org.graylog2.inputs.syslog.udp.SyslogUDPInput, nodeId=0da9df73-4824-4ca1-9858-351849931104} (channel [id: 0x102dde41, L:/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0:1514]) should be 262144 but is 425984.
2019-02-20T13:10:40.255+07:00 INFO [InputStateListener] Input [Syslog UDP/5c6cec23ca6f1575ea67484a] is now RUNNING

This is show that no see source

To make sure we understand correctly: you’re saying that you are not seeing any log messages either? So even if you query Graylog for the past seven days, there are zero log messages found? That’s very interesting, given that your Graylog seems to be sending data out to Elastic just fine.

you’re saying that you are not seeing any log messages either? --> yes
So even if you query Graylog for the past seven days, there are zero log messages found? --> yes

more information

this is log of elasticsearch

And then i just see this error

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