Upgrading From 2.x to 5.x

I was wondering if there will be compatibility issues or what kind of issues I can expect when upgradeing from graylog 2.x to 5.x, Would writers need to change something or would it work out of the box?


If you follow the upgrade guide you should be good, but after version 3.3.x which will go into version 4.0 a few things have change.

So I’ve heard its possible, however, I will tell you our proserve team would always recommend that you start over going that far. There are just so many things that could go wrong, and there have been very major changes between 2 and about to be 6.

I don’t mind losing data or having to reconfigure, Just want to know if old clients will still be able to send messages (using GLEF UDP input), Or if I would need to update all the clients too

the way inputs are working is pretty much the same in both versions.