TLSSKIPVERIFY does not work when installing sidecar on Windows

I checked it by looking at all the silent install options in the source code of the installer :rofl:

Here are all the options:

  ; Parse command line options
  ; The first character in the option string is treated as a parameter delimiter, so we prepend a white-space
  ; to allow options like -NODENAME=my-collector (second dash would interrupt option parsing otherwise)
  ${GetParameters} $Params
  ${GetOptions} $Params " -SERVERURL=" $ParamServerUrl
  ${GetOptions} $Params " -NODENAME=" $ParamNodeName
  ${GetOptions} $Params " -UPDATE_INTERVAL=" $ParamUpdateInterval
  ${GetOptions} $Params " -TLS_SKIP_VERIFY=" $ParamTlsSkipVerify
  ${GetOptions} $Params " -SEND_STATUS=" $ParamSendStatus
  ${GetOptions} $Params " -APITOKEN=" $ParamApiToken
  ${GetOptions} $Params " -NODEID=" $ParamNodeId
  ${GetOptions} $Params " -TAGS=" $ParamTags

Found here → collector-sidecar/dist/recipe.nsi at master · Graylog2/collector-sidecar · GitHub

Recommended by this post → Windows Collector Sidecar Install Switches

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