Time range of index is unknown, because index range is not available

Hello, could you help with error please:
Time range of index is unknown, because index range is not available
Because of this, I don’t see the logs until I manually reculculate old index. This problem only with Default index set, another stream with name stream-* working without problems. Logs do not have any errors.

Other post from this forum did not help me.
Graylog: 4.2
Elastic: 7.15.0

Anything unusual in the logs?
Do you use Elastic for something other than Graylog as well?

No errors in logs. Our jaegert service use ES too.
Week ago i made ES cluster but cluster status is green.

Just chiming in

Time range of index is unknown

What is the configuration of the default index?

Could elastic be the problem here as it is advised not to go beyond 7.10.2
for not being supported by Graylog?

So i dont know how, but after mongod restart the problem fixed.
Thanks for all.

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