System Sidecar Page not displaying Sidecars

Description of your problem

Graylog system sidecars webpage displays only 4 sidecars and toggles through them(roughly 23 sidecars). The sidecars are configured and running when I change the view to show 50 the display will change but the sidecars will not display with status or name

Description of steps you’ve taken to attempt to solve the issue

  • rebooted server
  • restarted the sidecar service
  • diffed the configurations vs a known good configuration

Operating system information

  • RHEL
  • Graylog: 4.0.7
  • MongoDB: 4.2.14
  • Elasticsearch: 7.10

Hello @cbryner

I’m assuming that all the sidecars are running fine it just the Web UI when you adjust it to show 50?
Out of curiosity are you using Chrome? if so have you tried using another browser? or clearing the browser cache.

I was going to test this in my lab but I only have 2 Sidecars running and I don’t think I have 21 Virtual machine I could use :laughing:

To be honest that kind of sound like a bug, but I’m not 100% sure.
You could post it here.

The sidecars are running fine it is just the adjustment. It does sound like a bug to me as well but before posting I wanted to see if there was something else it could be. I will have the admin team test the browser and check some configs before posting it as a bug. Thank you for the response

We have identified the issue and this is actually a strange one that does not come from graylog but thought I would share. The DNS record of our network got mildly corrupted still finding out how but this caused the sidecars to not know what graylog was when it was called out in the yml file. The odd part was the sidecars would reach out to graylog and graylog would accept it until it was lost by the DNS. very strange issue but has been solved

Thanks for posting, even thou its not a Graylog issue, it is good information to have.

I had two situation like this before but I’m not sure if it was the same type of issue. I manually added Graylog to our DNS server and for got to add the PTR record (The DNS PTR record is exactly the opposite of the ‘A’ record, which provides the IP address associated with a domain name). The second issue was a duplicate IP address in out domain. We fix it by adding a IPAM server in our network.

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