Pipeline Issue - set_fields w/ JSON not working

I am using filebeat to read a file which is getting logs in JSON format. It is putting one JSON object per line.

Here is a copy of one of the items from a line of the text file being watched by FileBeat:

{"CreationTime":"2019-11-01T08:32:17","Id":"xxxxxxx-1534-4539-a7e9-xxxxxf","Operation":"FileSyncDownloadedPartial","OrganizationId":"exxxxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxb","RecordType":6,"UserKey":"i:0h.f|membership|10xxxxxxxxxxxxxxd@live.com","UserType":0,"Version":1,"Workload":"OneDrive","ClientIP":"xxx.xxx.x66","ObjectId":"https:\/\/nxxxxxxxxxxxxxy.sharepoint.com\/personal\/sxxxxxxe_com\/Documents\/4xxxxxxxxxy\/HOWxxxxxxxxxx\/Euxenxxxxtxxxx6.pdf","UserId":"xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.com","CorrelationId":"4xxxxxxxxxxxx632359fb88c8","EventSource":"SharePoint","ItemType":"File","ListId":"8cxxxx-x-xxxxxx-x24","ListItemUniqueId":"638xxxxxxxx-x-xxxxxxx-xxxx55","Site":"34xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx-ade21","UserAgent":"Microsoft Office Upload Center 2014 (16.0.4849) Windows NT 6.1","WebId":"6863xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxx8245","SourceFileExtension":"pdf","SiteUrl":"https:\/\/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.sharepoint.com\/personal\/xxxxxxxxxx_com\/","SourceFileName":"Excxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.pdf","SourceRelativeUrl":"Dxxxxxxxxxx\/4Rexxxxxxxxxxx\/HOxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}

My Filebeat Config for this endpoint is using the following:

   hosts: ["graylog.xxxxxxxxxxx.com:9876"]
  data: C:\Program Files\Graylog\sidecar\cache\filebeat\data
  logs: C:\Program Files\Graylog\sidecar\logs
 - windows
- paths:
   - C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\Desktop\Log_Directory\AuditRecords.txt
  input_type: log
  type: log
#Ignore these, was testing earlier.
#  json.keys_under_root: true
#  - decode_json_fields:
#    fields: ['message']
#    target: json
#  json.keys_under_root: true
#  json.add_error_key: true
#  json.ignore_decoding_error: true
#  json.message_key: message

This is properly (seemingly) creating messages where “$message.message” matches the JSON of the line, here’s an example of what ends up in Graylog:

However, I’ve yet to find a good way to actually extract the JSON from $message.message and have it create the appropriate fields. Not all messages have the same syntax but they are all json…so I can’t do a manual set of extractors but I’m not finding a way to solve this.

An example of a pipeline I’ve tried is the following (which adds the jtest:true item in the screenshot above):

rule "extract O365 data from JSON"
  let json_data = parse_json(to_string($message.message));
  let jmap = to_map(json_data);
  let jtest = is_json(json_data);

Any help or guidance would be EXTREMELY appreciated.

a really simple json parser is something like:

rule "extract-json"
    starts_with(to_string($message.message), "{") && ends_with(to_string($message.message), "}")
    let json = parse_json(to_string($message.message));
    let map = to_map(json);

Not sure why this is not working in your case - from my knowledge it should.

Which Graylog version are you using?

Okay, so this was a really, really weird one. Apparently the file I was writing had null-bytes inserted between each character… It came down to how Powershell was writing this data to file:

ForEach ($result in $results.auditdata) {$result >> $OutputFile}


ForEach ($result in $results.auditdata) {$result | Out-File -Append -Encoding Ascii $OutputFile}

For whatever reason the >> in the command was inserting a %00 between each character which I was able to figure out by sending it over a socket like below:

I’m confused why the is_json() function returned true? but it explains why the data looked correct but in fact wasn’t.

do you mind opening a bug report over at github for this?

That is something that should work correct.

I’m busy with some work things currently and won’t have much time to sit down and put it all together until a week or two from now. I’ll throw a reminder to check in then but feel free to submit one in the meantime if you’d like it before then; otherwise I’ll try to get it in when I have some downtime.

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