My graylog elasticsearch indices have been deleted for no reason

Hi guys,
I have a cluster graylog with 3 nodes
Node1: graylog master, elastic, mongodb
Node2: graylog, elastic, mongodb
Node3: graylog, elastic, mongodb
All of them are clusterd.
Recently, I got a problem, when my indices in elasticsearch have been delete for no reason (I mean I dont know why).
I have check index retention and rotation policy, they are fine
Index retention strategy: Delete
Index rotation strategy: Document count (20M docs)
Max number of indices: 20

Iā€™m pretty sure that I have enough storage for that (200GB each node), and the deletion always happen when I have graylog_0, graylog_1, graylog_2, graylog_3, graylog_4

This is what I found when all indices have been gone

server.log:2022-07-11T12:37:46.627Z INFO  [IndexRangesCleanupPeriodical] Removing index range information for unavailable indices: [gl-failures_5, gl-failures_4, gl-failures_3, gl-failures_2, gl-failures_1, graylog_1, graylog_4, graylog_3, gl-failures_6, graylog_2]

I cant find any reason which my elasticsearch indices have been delele, Can you guys give me some clues.

Hello && welcome @nosmoking1210

Yes this is some Dark Graylog Magic.

Graylog goes through a clean check for index ranges, How do you know those indices have been deleted? Are they removed on the Web UI?

Iā€™m assuming any configuration you made for these indices are made from the Web UI, correct?

Perhaps check Elasticsearch.

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true'  

Check template settings

curl -X GET "localhost:9200/graylog_6?pretty"
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