Dear all,
I am trying to setup a Multinode cluster existing of:
3 Elasticsearch Cluster Nodes
2 Graylog Input Nodes
The Elasticsearch-cluster runs already fine. The Problem is the second Graylog Node. I do not Need a MongoDB Replica, I just installed MongoDB on the first Graylog Node.
I now want to use MongoDB from my second node. Therefor I understood that I do not have to install MongoDB on the second node.
However, I tried several Things but I never get the second Graylog node visible in my Graylog Webpage -> Nodes
I changed the IP in /etc/mongod.conf from localhost to Server IP - no success - Graylog did not even start anymore
How can I use the MongoDB from my first node in the second one?
I also created a user + PW on my first node and on the second I configured the following on my server.conf:
Authenticate against the MongoDB server
mongodb_uri = mongodb://graylogdbusr:PASSWORD@IPOFFIRSTNODE:27017/graylog
–>Nothing changed
I really appreciate your help!
Thanks in advance,