I want to monitor with Graylog + Elasticsearch and entire folder and subfolders. Additionaly, this folder will contain new folders created automatically daily with “month/day” format and, creates a file xxxxxx.log inside.
I know that with Filebeat + Sidecar I can monitorice them but, I didn´t know what will be the way or sintax to use.
You see it this way only in your Graylog UI in the path system/sidecars/configuration/edit
Once those values are “internal variables” controled by graylog, in the server the fields ${sidecar.nodeName} and ${sidecar.nodeId} are replaced by the server name and the uniq ID graylog add to it.
If you can see this in your server, it’s wrong. The best way is to leave graylog handle this config file instead of do it manually.
Sorry for the late response but I was out of work some days
If it helps you, I will let you know some probes that I have made.
Configuring this way, I can send logs from one subfolders of C: or two subfolders of C: to Graylog or more…
But in any case, I can´t send logs of subfolders taking this syntax and applying it to path if I take the Folder “EMC” and want to send logs for subfolders.
¿It will help us to know what is wrong in the path configuration?
The internal variabes that you are saying, I see in the UI (connecting to Graylog management IP) and, taking collector configuration.
I have solved at this time this “mistake”, the logs are not empty but, after you say this, we have write more in the logs to grow up space to 6KB and now, the logs are read with Graylog.
I leave the solution here cause, maybe it will be helpful for anyone.