Graylog sidecar/filebeat doesn't get any logs

I have just started using Graylog this week. :slightly_smiling_face:

1. Describe your incident:

I have installed sidecars on 3 Windows 10 computers, but for some reason, they don’t send any messages to Graylog. I would like to monitor some text log files that are stored on the HDD in the directory “C:\Data\ITP\Prod\Logs”.

2. Describe your environment:

  • OS Information:
    NAME=“CentOS Linux”
    VERSION=“7 (Core)”
    ID_LIKE=“rhel fedora”

  • Package Version:
    graylog-enterprise-plugins.noarch : 4.0.17-1
    graylog-server.noarch : 4.0.17-1
    mongodb-org-mongos.x86_64 : 4.0.28-1.el7
    elasticsearch “number” : 6.8.23

  • Service logs, configurations, and environment variables:

Graylog setup configuration

3. What steps have you already taken to try and solve the problem?

I have tried a similar setup in VM and it’s working

4. How can the community help?

Please guide to the right direction in order to resolve the issue

Hello && welcome @Corsade

This issue could be many things, we need to narrow it down, If you can post your Graylog-Sidecar configurations ( just one would be fine) , Input used /w configurations. Any log files not only on Graylog-Server but any logs from the GL sidecar. Reminder, when posting please use the markdown for logs and configurations so its easier to read, You can find out here


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