So everytime this log triggers via Cisco firepower it takes 20 mins to make it into graylog. How can i troubleshoot the hold up? I see it come into rsyslog properly and the time is correct. What could it be?
Mar 5 13:07:35 f-us3101-fp SecurityIntelligence: Protocol: TCP, SrcIP:, OriginalClientIP: ::, DstIP:, SrcPort: 36974, DstPort: 22, TCPFlags: 0x0, IngressInterface: inside, EgressInterface: outside10, IngressZone: inside, DE: Primary Detection Engine (971f6924-9b97-11e6-bbab-d7d0edfkjjkjkk), Policy: Internet AC AMP Policy, ConnectType: Start, AccessControlRuleName: Unknown, AccessControlRuleAction: Block, AccessControlRuleReason: IP Block, Prefilter Policy: Unknown, InitiatorPackets: 1, ResponderPackets: 0, InitiatorBytes: 66, ResponderBytes: 0, NAPPolicy: Intrusion Policy, DNSResponseType: No Error, Sinkhole: Unknown, IPReputationSICategory: Malware, URLCategory: Unknown, URLReputation: Risk unknown