Licence error on log

I have take one licence entreprise free under 5go/days i got that on my graylog:

ERROR [AuditLogger] Unable to write audit log entry because there is no valid license

WARN [LicenseChecker] License violation - Detected irregular traffic records
got that now dont understand why i go just one input who send log

Maybe iptables blocked the ?

ERROR [AuditLogger] Unable to write audit log entry because there is no valid license

you simple not had added the license but the audit log would have written something if a valid license where present.

WARN [LicenseChecker] License violation - Detected irregular traffic records

This is just a warning, try to check what is transmitted and try to verify. It might happen that this verification fails or gives wrong feedback and that is what this warning shows. Nothing to think of.

You have right failed check
how i can fix that

we wrote down what kind of communication need to be possible:

If that is working and until Graylog gives you an ERROR and not a WARNING then all is working fine.

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