Hi there,
Description of your problem
I’m receiving nginx error log messages on a syslog input and try to read the timestamp from the message.
I created an extractor that extracts timestamp from the message:
Extractor works^^
Then I added a date-time converter and configured it like this:
Unfortunately this always results in this error message:
Value <2021/10/21 09:35:16> caused exception: Invalid format: "2021/10/21 09:35:16" is malformed at "/10/21 09:35:16".
Description of steps you’ve taken to attempt to solve the issue
After reading the docs, I tried a bunch of other format strings like:
yyyy//MM//dd HH:mm:ss
yyyy’/MM’/dd HH:mm:ss
but they always result in the same error message.
From all examples given in the docs and the placeholder in the graylog web UI I’d say that my first format string from the screenshot above should be correct. Am I missing something?
Environmental information
Operating system information
cat /etc/lsb-release
Package versions
dpkg -l | grep -E ".*(elasticsearch|graylog|mongo).*"
ii elasticsearch-oss 7.10.2 amd64 Distributed RESTful search engine built for the cloud
ii graylog-4.2-repository 1-4 all Package to install Graylog 4.2 GPG key and repository
ii graylog-server 4.2.0-3 all Graylog server
ii mongodb-org 4.0.27 amd64 MongoDB open source document-oriented database system (metapackage)
ii mongodb-org-mongos 4.0.27 amd64 MongoDB sharded cluster query router
ii mongodb-org-server 4.0.27 amd64 MongoDB database server
ii mongodb-org-shell 4.0.27 amd64 MongoDB shell client
ii mongodb-org-tools 4.0.27 amd64 MongoDB tools
Logs don’t show anything useful, just messages that I’m updating the extractor settings
Thanks in advance!