Replaced invalid timestamp value in message

1. Describe your incident:

After graylog upgrade to v4.2.6 we get these msgs:

Replaced invalid timestamp value in message <2f44c541-98c8-11ec-88cc-1458d05629d8> with current time - Value <2022-02-28T18:56:50+00:00> caused exception: Invalid format: "2022-02-28T18:56:50+00:00" is malformed at "T18:56:50+00:00".

2. Describe your environment:

log ingest setup: (rsyslog and graylog and elastic are on the same host)

device_sends_logs > rsyslog > graylog_input > extractor > stream > elastic_index_X

  • OS Information:
kernel 3.10.0-1160.11.1.el7.x86_64
  • Package Version:

graylog-server-4.2.6-1.noarch and elasticsearch-7.17.0-1.x86_64

  • Service logs, configurations, and environment variables:

For rsyslog we use this json template:

template(name="syslog_json" type="list" option.json="on") {
    constant(value="\"timestamp\":\"")			property(name="timereported" dateFormat="rfc3339")
    constant(value="\",\"source\":\"")			property(name="hostname")
    constant(value="\",\"ip_address\":\"")		property(name="fromhost-ip")
    constant(value="\",\"application_name\":\"")	property(name="programname")
    constant(value="\",\"message\":\"")			property(name="msg" format="json")
    constant(value="\",\"tag\":\"")			property(name="syslogtag")
    constant(value="\",\"level\":\"")			property(name="syslogseverity")
    constant(value="\",\"facility\":\"")		property(name="syslogfacility-text")
# HP
if $syslogfacility-text == 'local3' then @[::1]:5143;syslog_json

3. What steps have you already taken to try and solve the problem?

Looked around here:

As a test I removed all the extractors and my msgs came in as so and with no gl2_processing_error

{"timestamp":"2022-02-28T18:56:49+00:00","source":"<redacted>","ip_address":"<redacted>","application_name":"<redacted>","message":" 00435 ports:  port B1 is Blocked by AAA","tag":"<redacted>","level":"6","facility":"local3"}

Once I add the extractors back, I get the gl2_processing_error msg.

My extractors:

  "extractors": [
      "title": "json_extractor",
      "extractor_type": "json",
      "converters": [],
      "order": 0,
      "cursor_strategy": "copy",
      "source_field": "message",
      "target_field": "",
      "extractor_config": {
        "flatten": true,
        "list_separator": ", ",
        "kv_separator": "=",
        "key_prefix": "",
        "key_separator": "_",
        "replace_key_whitespace": true,
        "key_whitespace_replacement": "_"
      "condition_type": "none",
      "condition_value": ""
      "title": "hostname_from_fqdn; bug with FW: 16_02_0021",
      "extractor_type": "regex_replace",
      "converters": [],
      "order": 0,
      "cursor_strategy": "copy",
      "source_field": "source",
      "target_field": "source",
      "extractor_config": {
        "regex": "(.*)\\.ip[4,6].arpa",
        "replacement": "$1",
        "replace_all": true
      "condition_type": "regex",
      "condition_value": "(.*)\\.ip[4,6].arpa"
      "title": "application_name_extractor_1",
      "extractor_type": "regex",
      "converters": [],
      "order": 0,
      "cursor_strategy": "copy",
      "source_field": "message",
      "target_field": "application_name",
      "extractor_config": {
        "regex_value": "^([\\w\\-]+):\\s\\s"
      "condition_type": "none",
      "condition_value": ""
      "title": "application_name_extractor_2",
      "extractor_type": "regex",
      "converters": [],
      "order": 0,
      "cursor_strategy": "copy",
      "source_field": "message",
      "target_field": "application_name",
      "extractor_config": {
        "regex_value": "^\\d+\\s([\\w\\-]+):\\s\\s"
      "condition_type": "none",
      "condition_value": ""
  "version": "4.2.6"

On this comment processing error after migrating to 4.2.0-3 Ā· Issue #11495 Ā· Graylog2/graylog2-server Ā· GitHub it says to add some temp_timestamp extractor > json_extractor > then apply the converterā€¦

I attempted this as so:

  "extractors": [
      "title": "timestamp_extractor",
      "extractor_type": "regex_replace",
      "converters": [],
      "order": 0,
      "cursor_strategy": "copy",
      "source_field": "message",
      "target_field": "temp_timestamp",
      "extractor_config": {
        "regex": "^\\{\\\"timestamp\\\":\\\"(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\+\\d{2}:\\d{2})\\\",.*",
        "replacement": "$1",
        "replace_all": false
      "condition_type": "regex",
      "condition_value": "^\\{\\\"timestamp\\\":\\\"(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\+\\d{2}:\\d{2})\\\",.*"
      "title": "json_extractor",
      "title": "hostname_from_fqdn; bug with FW: 16_02_0021",
      "title": "application_name_extractor_1",
      "title": "application_name_extractor_2",
      "title": "timestamp_replace",
      "extractor_type": "regex_replace",
      "converters": [
          "type": "date",
          "config": {
            "time_zone": "Etc/UTC",
            "locale": "und",
            "date_format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"
      "order": 0,
      "cursor_strategy": "copy",
      "source_field": "temp_timestamp",
      "target_field": "timestamp",
      "extractor_config": {
        "regex": "(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\+\\d{2}:\\d{2})",
        "replacement": "$1",
        "replace_all": true
      "condition_type": "regex",
      "condition_value": "(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\+\\d{2}:\\d{2})"
  "version": "4.2.6"

But got this error msg

Could not apply converter [DATE] of extractor <timestamp_replace (5a618c30-98ce-11ec-88cc-1458d05629d8)> - Invalid format: "2022-02-28T19:53:59+00:00" is malformed at "T19:53:59+00:00"., Replaced invalid timestamp value in message <2bb9d023-98d0-11ec-88cc-1458d05629d8> with current time - Value <2022-02-28T19:53:59+00:00> caused exception: Invalid format: "2022-02-28T19:53:59+00:00" is malformed at "T19:53:59+00:00"

my fields looks like so when they are stored in elastic:

2022-02-28 19:53:59.000 +00:00
2022-02-28 19:53:59.587 +00:00

4. How can the community help?

I would have thought that the 1/5 patch would have fixed this Perform message timestamp conversion after processing (#11884) (#11915) Ā· Graylog2/graylog2-server@80a07bd Ā· GitHub

What am I doing wrong?
Was the patch supposed to address this?
Any input is much appreciated!

Thank you,

Hello @davama

Can I ask what type of input and extractor are you using? Iā€™m assuming your using either Raw plaintext or JSON INPUT with a JSON extractor?

Thank you for the reply @gsmith

Sorry i forgot to mention that.

We are using syslog udp input with json extractor.

By chance have you tested RawPlaintext Input? if so, did you get the same results?

thank you for the input!

using Raw/Plaintext UDP input

without extractors i get below:

{"timestamp":"2022-03-02T00:25:00+00:00","source":"<redacted>","ip_address":"<redacted>","application_name":"00435","message":" ports:  port C21 is Blocked by AAA","tag":"00435","level":"6","facility":"local3"}
2022-03-02 00:25:01.435 +00:00

with my original extractors (been using for a few years now):

Replaced invalid timestamp value in message <331489b1-99bf-11ec-88cc-1458d05629d8> with current time - Value <2022-03-02T00:25:04+00:00> caused exception: Invalid format: "2022-03-02T00:25:04+00:00" is malformed at "T00:25:04+00:00".
ports:  port D2 is now on-line
2022-03-02 00:25:01.648 +00:00

I did not try to do the extra extractors mentioned before.
I can if you think i should.

Thank you again for the help!

Hello @davama

I believe since you sending this type of Date/time format.

You need to convert the timestamp field to a proper timestamp using Pipeline or Extractor with a DATE converter.


Elasticsearch mapping expects a certain format or its will complain. Make sure your at lest getting the message. If so, then the answer to your question would be yes to extractor/pipeline, I did notice the JSON extractor does not have a DATE converter, perhaps use a regex. To be honest, a pipeline works great in situation like this. Which there are a lot of example here for pipeline , specially for converting Timestamps /w issues.

Just an FYI, I could test this in my lab to find out the issue on if you want? Only thing is Iā€™m not sure about Rsyslog configuration you have made, meaning I havenā€™t worked with rsyslog in a while. If you could make a mockup I could implement this in my lab for testing. Just need some specā€™s.

EDIT: Some added info

thank you for the input. it was very helpful

I have never used pipelines before. Looks like they need to be linked to a stream, which I assume get processed before they are shipped to elastic. Is that right?

Would not mind trying it but we have several streams and I think it will be easier to go the input/extractor route.

Will be testing this tomorrow.

Thank you

1 Like


gave the extractor a shot but still no changeā€¦ Iā€™m sure Iā€™m doing it wrong.

My adjusted extractors with the Date format:

  "extractors": [
      "title": "json_extractor",
      "extractor_type": "json",
      "converters": [],
      "order": 0,
      "cursor_strategy": "copy",
      "source_field": "message",
      "target_field": "",
      "extractor_config": {
        "flatten": true,
        "list_separator": ", ",
        "kv_separator": "=",
        "key_prefix": "",
        "key_separator": "_",
        "replace_key_whitespace": true,
        "key_whitespace_replacement": "_"
      "condition_type": "none",
      "condition_value": ""
      "title": "application_name_extractor_1",
      "extractor_type": "regex",
      "converters": [],
      "order": 2,
      "cursor_strategy": "copy",
      "source_field": "message",
      "target_field": "application_name",
      "extractor_config": {
        "regex_value": "^([\\w\\-]+):\\s\\s"
      "condition_type": "none",
      "condition_value": ""
      "title": "hostname_from_fqdn; bug with FW: 16_02_0021",
      "extractor_type": "regex_replace",
      "converters": [],
      "order": 1,
      "cursor_strategy": "copy",
      "source_field": "source",
      "target_field": "source",
      "extractor_config": {
        "regex": "(.*)\\.ip[4,6].arpa",
        "replacement": "$1",
        "replace_all": true
      "condition_type": "regex",
      "condition_value": "(.*)\\.ip[4,6].arpa"
      "title": "application_name_extractor_2",
      "extractor_type": "regex",
      "converters": [],
      "order": 3,
      "cursor_strategy": "copy",
      "source_field": "message",
      "target_field": "application_name",
      "extractor_config": {
        "regex_value": "^\\d+\\s([\\w\\-]+):\\s\\s"
      "condition_type": "none",
      "condition_value": ""
      "title": "timestamp_extrator_converter",
      "extractor_type": "regex_replace",
      "converters": [
          "type": "date",
          "config": {
            "date_format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS",
            "time_zone": "Etc/UTC",
            "locale": "und"
      "order": 0,
      "cursor_strategy": "copy",
      "source_field": "timestamp",
      "target_field": "timestamp",
      "extractor_config": {
        "regex": "^(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2})T(\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}.\\d{3})Z$",
        "replacement": "$1 $2",
        "replace_all": true
      "condition_type": "none",
      "condition_value": ""
  "version": "4.2.6"

The msg arrives as so:

Replaced invalid timestamp value in message <198b8bf3-9bbe-11ec-88cc-1458d05629d8> with current time - Value <2022-03-04T13:22:12+00:00> caused exception: Invalid format: "2022-03-04T13:22:12+00:00" is malformed at "T13:22:12+00:00".
2022-03-04 13:22:11.632 +00:00

I also tried this. Change my timestamp field to timestamp_temp in rsyslog

then changed my rsyslog json template

    constant(value="\"timestamp_temp\":\"")		property(name="timereported" dateFormat="rfc3339")

And without the timestamp extractor the date fields get populated as so:

2022-03-04 15:57:12.685 +00:00
2022-03-04 15:57:13.000 +00:00

which is nice because I donā€™t get the gl2_processing_error any more but now I have an extra fieldā€¦

I do find it odd that _temp is in the future when I would have thought is in the pastā€¦ and also that I donā€™t see the yyyy-MM-ddThh:MM:ss:SSSZ format for itā€¦

i guess I shouldnā€™t create the temp fieldā€¦

what am I doing wrong with the date extractor?

Thank you


Ah I see, So here is the scoop on that. Elasticsearch index template has a field called ā€œtimestampā€, the problem is trying to manipulate the ā€œtimestampā€ field, as you can see you will get a gl2_processing error. So if you need to correct the timestamp field there will be two fields for the timestamp ( as shown above).
Only other work around I have seen in the forum is

  • Create a new Index mapping template,
  • Use a different extractor that is capable of using a DATE converter
  • Send raw message to Graylog and convert the fields needed
  • Leave the two timestamp fields.

Since the field timestamp_temp origin is from rsyslog.
This could be from a couple different issues.

  • Daylight-saving time
  • Synchronize computer time
  • Elasticsearch uses UTC for timestamp
  • User settings for time zone
  • GL Server Date/time configuration, etcā€¦

I would make sure all device have correct date/time even the user logged into the Web UI.

My apologies I havenā€™t used JSON log formatting, but I am familiar with the errors/troubleshooting. As I stated earlier JSON extractor cannot add DATE converters to JSON extractors. So I assume is this what you tried to do? Iā€™m not sure what time zone is correct (UTC, GMT =+1, -6)?

What I was suggesting was something simpler, send the logs to Graylog then use pipeline. If Iā€™m correct, it seams that Elasticsearch created a timestamp field already.

Note: this is for Central America (the region stretching between Mexico and Colombia),

rule "replace timestamp"
    let result = regex("([0-9-T.:]+)", to_string($message.message));
    let new_date = parse_date(to_string(result["0"]), "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS","CDT");
    set_field("timestamp", timestamp_temp);

Replaced invalid timestamp value in message

You maybe able to find your answer here.

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Thank you @gsmith
Ill give this a retry and report back.

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