Issue getting logs on W10 with Collector-Sidecar

Hi all,

I have been able to set up Graylog on an Ubuntu box and it is running and I can get to the web interface of it.

I am unable to collect logs, however, and I am wondering if I could have some pointers as to where I may be going wrong.

I have v2.4.6 of Graylog installed.

Collector-sidecar plugin shows as installed and enabled

I am using W10 to run Collector-sidecar and it allowed me to install and start the service.

I get the following in the logs though and I am not sure where I am going wrong:

time="2018-08-09T21:59:56+01:00" level=info msg="Starting signal distributor" 
time="2018-08-09T22:00:06+01:00" level=error msg="[RequestBackendList] Bad response status from Graylog server: 404 Not Found" 
time="2018-08-09T22:00:06+01:00" level=error msg="Can't fetch collector list from Graylog API: GET 404 HTTP 404 Not Found" 
time="2018-08-09T22:00:16+01:00" level=error msg="[RequestBackendList] Bad response status from Graylog server: 404 Not Found" 
time="2018-08-09T22:00:16+01:00" level=error msg="Can't fetch collector list from Graylog API: GET 404 HTTP 404 Not Found" 

I’m just not sure where I am going wrong.


is your Graylog running on ? this is what error log tells is configured in your sidecar.

It’s running on a dynamic DNS address, but not sure where it is getting the from as in all config files and the IP address of the box itself is

It is accessible via the ddns address and the IP of

Just had a look at the config files and nowhere does it state but

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