I have winlogbeat as the collector and sidecar configuration
No collectors or sidecar is not showing in both Administration and side
Cares overview
Sidecar on the client is configured to the server’s IP and port 5044 with a token configured.
Collector template configuration. It does have the right IP in it.
It is the sidecar.yml configuration file on the client that makes the initial connection to the Graylog server, once that is correct, you can apply the configuration that tells where to send the messages.
Here is a sample windows sidecar.yml from one of our machines:
(NOTE: I used the forum tool </> to make your code nice in your post and in mine - you can use it for future posts with code/logs for readability)
oh I missed that part, but Graylog sidecar is failing to start
time=“2022-08-19T16:57:31-07:00” level=fatal msg=“Failed service action: Failed to start Graylog Sidecar: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.”
You could post your sidecar.yml, obfuscated of course and using the </> tool to make it readable, and removing all the comments we don’t need to read…
On a windows machine where I am using winlogbeat and filebeat, I only have to start Graylog Sidecar and it handles starting the other services because of the configuration in the sidecar.yml - posted above. visually it looks like this: