How to setup a graylog-datanode 6.1 in cluster

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1. Describe your incident:
There is trouble to start the Graylog-datanode 6.1.1-1 in a cluster. Have set all the needed parameters according to the posted 6.1 documentation for Graylog-datanode

2. Describe your environment:

  • OS Information:
    Debian 12
  • Package Version:
    6.1.5-1 (Updated from 6.1.1-1 8th January 2025)
  • Service logs, configurations, and environment variables:

3. What steps have you already taken to try and solve the problem?
Gone through all .conf files on graylog application server and on all graylog-datanodes.

4. How can the community help?
Is there any additional software that needs to be installed on the graylog-datanodes? In e.g. opensearch and / or mongodb (client)?
I’ve seen it mentioned an updated version 6.1.4, which repo is that located in? Using ‘’ now, is there another one with more recent software?
Is there an easy way to trigger debug or verbose flags for startup of graylog-datanode and/or graylog-server?

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Got the datanodes up, reconfigured the access to MongoDB. Now the applications are running, both Graylog and Datanode.
Another issue with the datanode was access is access rights for LOG and DATA folders.