Hi Community,
I am curious about deploying Graylog Open 6.1. with Data-Node instead of OpenSearch. As I understood so far, data-node is an integral function as search backend and replaces the functionality of Opensearch.
I am comparing the deployment Best Practices given on the documentary page of graylog. I couldn’t find a matrix which shows the optimal sizing I do have to apply. Looking at V6.0. there is a guideline how many instances of graylog and opensearch you do have to set up to run a stable environment.
The key questions:
Do they (v 6.1.) differ to the setup of v6.1.?
Is it possible to run it as a real single-node setup?
(former, you were advised to split up opensearch and graylog)
Does datanode provide the cluster functionality now?
Thanks in advance for answering my questions.