Has failed to start on node for this reason: »bind(..) failed: Address already in use

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I have a linux server A running graylog and rsyslog. I also have server B which communicates and sends logs via port 5514 using rsyslog. I have defined the input on graylog server A but i always get the message that the port is already in use. i have read all the forum posts but i can’t find my error. can someone please help me so that i can use the input in graylog?

1x Rocky Linux 9 Server A mit Graylog server und rsyslogserver
1x Rocky Linux 9 Server B mit rsyslogserver zum schicken der logs auf server A

What process is listening on that port if you run any of these https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-check-the-ports-used-by-a-running-process-in-Linux

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