Hi All,
I have a Centralized log server where all my logs get rsync. I have a graylog setup which collects and sends logs from this server.
My architecture is as below:
1 Graylog server running on same Centralized server with multiple filebeats.
24 CPU 64 GB RAM
Graylog node -15 GB heap
3 ES data nodes with 32 CPU 64 GB RAM and 31GB heap size.
I find that my Process buffer is full always and also my journal gets full. I get the point that my graylog is unable to handle the huge amount of logs incoming.
I am planning to have a seperate Graylog cluster of 3 servers.
Kindly help me with any other improvements to be done.
Sharing the configs:
processbuffer_processors = 5
outputbuffer_processors = 10
ring_size = 524288
inputbuffer_ring_size = 524288
inputbuffer_processors = 4
inputbuffer_wait_strategy = blocking
output_batch_size = 50000
elasticsearch_shards = 3
Elastic search:
3 nodes with all 3 data nodes and 1 of them acting as master node too.
In and out count has a very huge difference. Kindly let me know if i can do some config changes to improve the performance.
Logs size - 900Gb/day
Filebeats- 4
Using 4 filebeats to read logs of 13 folders.
P.S - Each folder contains logs of 1 production server.
Any config changes to make sure my out message count is more.