Graylog Dashboard Widget Data To Grafana (influxdb)

Hi All,

My goal is saving dashboard widget data to a persistent storage (I don’t want to keep all logs for ages in elastic, just my dashboards.)

I found a lot of article about store Graylog metrics to influxdb (Telegraf, Grafana, influxdb). But I need to store the dashboard widget data not the metrics about Graylog itself.

Example API URL:


This response of the query is a JSON, example:

  "result": [
      "1557995040": {
        "total_count": 1504,
        "count": 1504,
        "min": "NaN",
        "max": "NaN",
        "total": "NaN",
        "mean": "NaN",
        "cardinality": 0
      "1557995100": {
        "total_count": 18444,
        "count": 18444,
        "min": "NaN",
        "max": "NaN",
        "total": "NaN",
        "mean": "NaN",
        "cardinality": 0

Is it possible to save this JSON result to inluxdb (example: total_count, count, cardinality and the timestamp of course)?

Any help/advice would be appreciated.

Janos Vincze

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