Graylog 3.2.3 - apply filter to all widgets and datatable

Hi guys:

GRAYLOG Version: 3.2.3.

I’ve noticed that in dashboards, “Apply Filter to all widgets” doesn’t seem to work as expected in datatables, once you move to the next page in results. Initial display (first “x” records in datatable) displays OK, with the filter applied, but once you move to the next page of results, the defined filter doesn’t seem to apply anymore to the datatable widget and all results are displayed.

I guess this is not the expected behaviour…?


Hi @juaromu,

you are right, this is a bug. A fix is already on the way: and will be hopefully released in the upcoming patch release.

- Konrad

Thanks Konrad :slight_smile:

Hi Konrad:

This issue is shown as closed and fixed in 3.2.4. I just updated to this version but seems to persist: global filters not applying to datatables widgets with pagination.

Could you please confirm if the bug has been fixed in 3.2.4?


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