Hey all,
I recently took a snapshot of an index, then restored that snapshot with a different name by doing the following:
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_snapshot/test_backup/snapshot_1_gl2/_restore?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"indices": "graylog_2",
"ignore_unavailable": "true",
"include_global_state": false,
"rename_pattern": "graylog_2",
"rename_replacement": "graylog_old_2"
When I run curl -XGET ‘localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v&s=docs.count:desc&pretty’, I can see the index just fine and its in green health.
The issue is that in System > Indices > Default Index Set, when I try to recalculate index ranges I get the following:
Could not create a job to start index ranges recalculation for graylog_old_2, reason: Error: cannot POST https://myURL/api/system/indices/ranges/graylog_old_2/rebuild (400)
I am able reindex other indices, just not this one and I am not sure why.