Recently upgraded to Graylog 4.0 (then to 4.0.1) and upgraded Elastic to 7.10. I have Kibana 7.10 running on a separate machine and while it is pointed to elastic… I am not really doing anything in there, figured I would set it up and see what data I could read out of elastic and/or get a better GUI understanding about the indices. I have a strong bet my problem is related to the kibana connection but I have not found a way to resolve it.
With this set up I am seeing repeated entries in my graylog server.log for each index I have in Graylog here is an example:
2020-12-01T14:34:32.749-05:00 WARN [RestClient] request [GET http://ELASTIC_SVR:9200/trop_*/_alias?ignore_throttled=false&ignore_unavailable=false&expand_wildcards=open&allow_no_indices=false] returned 1 warnings: [299 Elasticsearch-7.10.0-51e9d6f22758d0374a0f3f5c6e8f3a7997850f96 "this request accesses aliases with names reserved for system indices: [.kibana_task_manager, .security, .kibana], but in a future major version, directaccess to system indices and their aliases will not be allowed"]
I have spent a day + trying to track down turning this off on either side (short of uninstalling kibana and trying to figure out which kibana only indices to remove) The thing is, if I run the query manually I don’t get any system indices that they warn about [.kibana_task_manager, .security, .kibana]
curl -X GET --netrc "http://ELASTIC_SVR:9200/trop_*/_alias?ignore_throttled=false&ignore_unavailable=false&expand_wildcards=open&allow_no_indices=false&pretty"
“trop_43” : {
“aliases” : { }
“trop_55” : {
“aliases” : {
“trop_deflector” : { }
“trop_40” : {
“aliases” : { }
“trop_50” : {
“aliases” : { }
“trop_49” : {
“aliases” : { }
“trop_42” : {
“aliases” : { }
“trop_47” : {
“aliases” : { }
“trop_45” : {
“aliases” : { }
“trop_41” : {
“aliases” : { }
“trop_53” : {
“aliases” : { }
“trop_44” : {
“aliases” : { }
“trop_48” : {
“aliases” : { }
“trop_52” : {
“aliases” : { }
“trop_46” : {
“aliases” : { }
“trop_51” : {
“aliases” : { }
“trop_54” : {
“aliases” : { }
I am hoping that it is something more esoteric than just a server.conf setting that @aaronsachs kindly pointed out that I should have read… If I should not have Kibana connected to the elastic DB, I am fine with shutting all that down (not time to play there as of late anyway) but if you suggest that could you also suggest which kibana only indices I need to remove from elastic too?