Dell SonicWall Firewall

Dell SonicWall Firewall


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Tested with Graylog 2.1

This content pack provides extractors for SonicWall Firewalls and a few example dashboards:

  • VPN Connections (24h)
  • More coming soon ( help is welcome! )


  • Input SonicWall (Raw/Plaintext UDP)
  • Extractors (Garbage Cleanup and KVP, dst_ip, dst_port, dst_if, dst_hostname, src_ip, src_port, src_if, src_hostname, proto_type, proto_service, timestamp)
  • Dashboards


The Dashboards use the “gl2_source_input” field in queries. Be sure to verify if it matches your SonicWall Input ID


  • Dell SonicWall Firewall configured to send SYSLOG to 12202/UDP, no custom settings

Is there a V3 content pack for this ? I am unable to get it working on graylog 4

Hi @wetsand24
I guess not. The post by @dscryber was to keep the fragments of the former marketplace somehow alive.
My recommendation would be to have a look at the json-files and build the extractors on your own.


I am using Graylog 5 to capture and report on logs from a Sonicwall. The Sonicwall took some tweaking to get it to send the data over Syslog, but once I did get the data flowing, I used pipelines to process the data rather than extractors, because there’s a lot of variability in the messages. Since I was using pipelines, it was easy enough to add processing rules for splitting fields, GeoIP resolution, and whois. Happy to share my pipeline rules if you like.

PS: I was using extractors on Graylog 4 with the Sonicwall, but I had almost 20 and still wasn’t catching all of the different types of messages. IMO, Pipelines are WAY better for Sonicwall.

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Thanks, @faen, for your post. It’s always great to see community members sharing peer-to-peer experiences, successes, and “Aha moments!” with others.

Speaking for the community (as I’ll do in this instance because pipelines are ALWAYS of interest here), I invite you to post your rules in our pipeline rules forum. Alternatively, feel free to post a blog article or even a visual presentation. All three of these suggestions are welcome here!

Thanks again!

OK, I posted all of my rules - hope it helps someone!


Hi faen,where can i see this please.

where did you post these rules?

It’s in the pipeline and rules exchange - it was linked to in one of my previous posts, but here it is again: