Change default index config

Hello, i have a question.
Can i change default index config?
What the case:
I use graylog in docker with es cluster. And i need so that after up graylog all default index have next parametr:

  • Shards: 1
  • Replicas: 2

It’s possible?
Thank you.

he @MalinkinSA

yes that is possible - System > Indices > Default index, read the docs about index sets to get more information.

Hello, @jan.
I apologize, now i see mistake in my question.
About editing indexes parameters via gui i knew.
I want asked about next: can i specify my own setting for all indexes (default and all new created)? e.g. I launch my docker image and Default index set and all new index be with non default values? Or i must do it via GUI after install?

he @MalinkinSA

you could use the API to make those settings or change the parameters before the first startup in the configuration. but the second option will be disappear - so changing that by using the API is fare better.

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