I have 2 graylog setups one as prod and another as staging.As per a request i needed to configure default index set rotation period from message count to time period.
When tried in staging it automatically created new index and there was no issues.But when done in Prod,elasticsearch went red with unassigned shards.
I think the mistake was i didnt mannually rotate active write index.
To verify that in staging i tried to recreate the issue i.e change the default index set rotation period from message count to time period.But weirdly the the active write index is not rotated and no just keeps on using the same active write index.
Once you seen this completed here Under System/Overview
I would try to rotate the index manually as show in the picture above using “Rotate Active write Index” .
Any time I do this in production I always TAIL my graylog log file for errors.
If you look at the two red boxes below in the picture, the one red box in the upper right shows 10 Max number of indices and the one lower left show you only have 8 is created. So unless you manually rotate it will stay that way till you reach 10 Index sets.