dear all,
I’ve just upgraded to graylog 3.0 and i can’t see the views plugin, extended search and the reports?
any idea why is that?
dear all,
I’ve just upgraded to graylog 3.0 and i can’t see the views plugin, extended search and the reports?
any idea why is that?
Hi Marius,
Views, extended search and reports are part of the enterprise Graylog.
The new content pack and sidecar collector are part of the open source Graylog.
If you want to test the enterprise features, you can get a free license for that:
thanks for the reply Konrad
Aw I’d hoped for Views at least to make it to open source version… enterprise is a little outside of our budget at the moment (the irony: small company, huge amount of logs == pricing not entirely working out :D)
I know, I’m just randomly bitching for no good reason, but eh
or maybe someone from the community will write some plugins similar to the official one
I’d hoped for Views at least to make it to open source version
you should read all announcements @benvanstaveren carefully. Our current plan includes to open source once the new extended search is stable and tested. Because it will replace the current search … so you will, later have the ability to use that in the OS version.
I do not know when ‘later’ is …
I know @jan - I didn’t read them all, just skimmed. Bad habit of mine Good news though, even if later is flexible
Hi Jan. 3.0 is out do we have that extended search?
I do not understand your question. Did you read the message you replied to?
Depends on whether you paid for the Enterprise license
As @konrad wrote:
Views, extended search and reports are part of the enterprise Graylog.
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