Behind Reverse Proxy - Error Loading xxx . 401

Hi, we are running graylog 2.x and also 3.0 behind a Apache reverse proxy at subdir /graylog for months. Now I try to update this to release 3.2. This brings the problem that Graylog reports this error after login:

Could not load streams
Loading streams failed with status: Error: cannot GET https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/graylog/api/streams (401)

We have migrated to 3.2 with all settings like in the previous version.

http_bind_address =
http_publish_uri = http://$http_bind_address/graylog/
http_external_uri = https://xxxxxxxxx/graylog/
trusted_proxies = …

what do I miss?

what is the configuration of your proxy?

This is the confguration, this is writtn by ansible. mod_auth_mellon is user for SSO Login. Maybee a part of the problem…

<Location /graylog>
    RequestHeader set X-Graylog-Server-URL "https://{{ HTTPD_HOST }}/graylog"
    RequestHeader set X-WEBAUTH-USER "%{Remote-User}e"
    RequestHeader set X-WEBAUTH-EMAIL "%{Remote-Email}e"
    # graylog
    ProxyPass  http://{{ HTTPD_HOST }}:9000/graylog disablereuse=On ttl=60 max=20
    ProxyPassReverse  http://{{ HTTPD_HOST }}:9000/graylog

If I try to access /graylog/api/streams, it opens a basic auth prompt…

as you can see here in the third example of nginx, you need to use a rewrite rule to run Graylog in a “folder” …

I’m not a Apache configuration pro - but you need to add this too to your configuration. I guess.

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