I want to monitor File/folder activities on the computers and servers.
And I want to drop on the client side all useless/not needed events.
As monitoring files activites generate a big amount of logs, can overload the network if thousand of clients and fill the disk space in short time, this is a very important part.
1. Describe your incident:
My Sidecar conf for this objective:
- name: Security
event_id: 4656, 4663, 4670, 4907
ignore_older: 24h
tags: [filesystem]
- script:
lang: javascript
id: security
file: C:\Program Files\Graylog\sidecar\module\security\config\winlogbeat-security.js
- drop_event.when.not.and:
- equals.winlog.event_data.ObjectType: "File"
- drop_event.when.or:
- equals.winlog.event_data.winlog_task: "Authorization Policy Change"
- equals.winlog.event_data.winlog_task: "Registry"
- equals.winlog.event_data.winlog_task: "Kernel Object"
- equals.winlog.event_data.SubjectUserSid: 'S-1-5-18'
- equals.winlog.event_data.SubjectUserSid: 'S-1-5-19'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%1538'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%1538'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%1539'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%1541'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%1542'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%4416'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%4419'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%4420'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%4423'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%4424'
On graylod side, I can identify for explorer.exe process and powershell/cmd
- File deletion
- File creation
- Changing/Write Owner
- Cut/Past or Move from/to
All the - equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList
does not work and the event are still sent to the Graylog server.
Theses drop statement are working:
- equals.winlog.event_data.winlog_task: "Authorization Policy Change"
- equals.winlog.event_data.winlog_task: "Registry"
- equals.winlog.event_data.winlog_task: "Kernel Object"
- equals.winlog.event_data.SubjectUserSid: 'S-1-5-18'
- equals.winlog.event_data.SubjectUserSid: 'S-1-5-19'
Theses are not working:
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%1538'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%1538'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%1539'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%1541'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%1542'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%4416'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%4419'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%4420'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%4423'
- equals.winlog.event_data.AccessList: '%%4424'
2. Describe your environment:
- OS Information:
Graylog 5.2.1
Opensearch 2.11.0
mongo 6.0.11
sidecar 1.5.0
3. What steps have you already taken to try and solve the problem?
I tried the double quote, it not works either.
I double check the log format from Windows side and it correspond to my dropt event condition:
4. How can the community help?
Is my syntax wrong ?