We’ve made it possible for users to communicate with this forum via email! For setup, please follow the steps below.
Log-in to community.graylog.org by setting up a new account or using your GitHub or Twitter login
Once logged-in, click your image icon in the top right-hand corner and then click the preferences icon. This is where you can update your email settings and enable mailing list mode.
Now you can sign-out. When you are ready to ask a question, use your e-mail client to communicate by sending an email to the following addresses:
Installation category: graylog+installation@discoursemail.com
(For discussions on installing your Graylog setup)
Maintenance category: graylog+maintenance@discoursemail.com
(Questions on maintaining Graylog after installation)
Development : graylog+development@discoursemail.com
(Topics about the development of a Graylog-related project)
Add-ons: graylog+addons@discoursemail.com
(For all things related to add-ons from the Graylog Marketplace such as installation and usage of plugins, content packs, etc.)
Forum Feedback: graylog+forum-feedback@discoursemail.com
(For suggestions on improving the Graylog community, ideas for a new category, or if you like what you see! )