Update Graylog, Mongodb and Elasticsearch

What is the procedure to update Graylog, Mongodb and Elasticsearch:

Graylog version 2.4 to Graylog 2.4.4
Elasticsearch version 2.3.1 to Elasticsearch 6.3.1
mongodb version 2.6.10 to mongodb 3.6

Are new versions compatible?

That depends on how you’ve installed Graylog in the first place, see http://docs.graylog.org/en/2.4/pages/installation/operating_system_packages.html#update-to-latest-version for an example with the official DEB packages.

Graylog 2.4.x is not compatible with Elasticsearch 6.x. You’ll have to use Elasticsearch 5.6.10, if you want to use Graylog.

See Upgrading Elasticsearch | Elasticsearch Reference [5.6] | Elastic for upgrade instructions.

Make sure you have working backups of each component you’re upgrading!

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