Unable to Install Graylog

This is my first time using ansible. Im trying to configure graylog with an AWS Elasticsearch node.

Here is my playbook.


The result is that graylog doesnt come up.

TASK [Graylog2.graylog-ansible-role : Wait for Graylog server to startup] *******************************************************************************
fatal: [ec2_justin_graylog_dev]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "elapsed": 300, "failed": true, "msg": "Timeout when waiting for"}
	to retry, use: --limit @/home/ubuntu/deployments/graylog.retry

PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************************************
ec2_justin_graylog_dev     : ok=28   changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=1   

Looking at the logs, I think its indicating an issue with mongodb.


Any help would be great.

Correct, MongoDB doesn’t seem to run.

Have you been reading the documentation for the Graylog Ansible role?

Also take a look at these related issues:

I have been reading them, thats how I got the variables etc to be in the playbook.

I believe this should be what I need to get mongodb installed.

graylog_install_mongodb: True

If you are implying im missing something obvious, awesome, can you help me know what that is?


What was the full output when you ran the playbook?

Full output.


I modified the playbook from

graylog_install_mongodb:       False


graylog_install_mongodb:       True

and I actually see things mongodb related, but it fails to start, and the log file is empty.

Care to share some details?

OK, got it sorted out.

I had to install the mongodb repo from galaxy, then enable install mongodb in the playbook. I killed the instance I was working with and brought up a new one and that one installed without issue. So I think I attempted so many things I ruined the first instance.

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