Unable to go to the last page when searching for older logs

I am having issues with searching the logs inside a specific timerange (and without a time range). When I filter to ALL Messages and try to navigate to let’s say page 837, the messages show only from page 1.

And these are the logs on page 1 and on page 874:

The logs are the exact same on page 1 and page 874 for (to me) unknown reason. This was happening before, when I had an older version of Graylog. This instance is re-created fully from scratch in hopes that I would get this issue resolved, but still no luck. I have like 200 GB disk space on my VM and the logs occupied like 100mb alltogether for now.

I am running Graylog 6.1.3. Also, when going to page 2, page 3, etc… It works normally UNTIL I hit let’s say page 30 where it all stops and shows me the logs from previous page and that stays for page 31 until the end.

I searched the forums here, but no luck regarding this “interesting” functionality that I have.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Greetings! We’ve had this reported a few months back: Absolute date range - not working

We have an open github issue here: Search page (Log Table Widget) pagination stops changing the page contents after a certain number of pages · Issue #20644 · Graylog2/graylog2-server · GitHub

For now you’ll need to narrow your time range or search query in order to see those logs in the message table.

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Hi, thank you very much for the answer! Seems like I forgot to check Github for any related bugs :sweat_smile: .

Honestly it is a huge relief that I am not the only one having this issue and I hope it will get resolved soon.

Thank you again and have a good one!

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