Trying to use sleuth to log to an existing graylog server

I have the downstream and upstream instances running

I have updated the application.yml files to my graylog server for both instances.

spring.zipkin.baseUrl: http://myservername:9000/ ( Graylog v2.4.6+ceaa7e4 )

I run the apps, access a url on the upstream one - …/customers-with-address/44

I received a response in browser

  • customer: {

    • id: 44,

    • name: “Barbara Bazaldua”},

  • address: {

    • id: 44,

    • street: “Cemetery Road”}


I see log entries in both applications logs (build/app.log). There is no exception or error logging that I can see.

My graylog server instance shows nothing…

he @warren

sorry that you have issues - but could you please be a little more verbose.

What is your problem? What did you tried? What did you expect? I can only guess what you try to ask.

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