Trusted header authentication broken after Upgrade to 5

Hello Guys,

we have an stange behaviour on our Graylog-Cluster.
A long time we have running Graylog 4.0 configured with trusted header authentication, and it works verry well.
After Upgrade to 4.1 the disaster has begun. We are not able to authenticate against graylog respectively graylog is not using the right header?
I have upgraded to 5.1 with the hope that it will then work. but no.

2023-11-07T12:02:54.681+01:00 DEBUG [ModularRealmAuthenticator] Realm [] does not support token org.apache.shiro.authc.UsernamePasswordToken - TESTUSER, rememberMe=false ( Skipping realm.
2023-11-07T12:02:54.681+01:00 DEBUG [ModularRealmAuthenticator] Realm [] does not support token org.apache.shiro.authc.UsernamePasswordToken - TESTUSER, rememberMe=false ( Skipping realm.
2023-11-07T12:02:54.681+01:00 DEBUG [ModularRealmAuthenticator] Realm [] does not support token org.apache.shiro.authc.UsernamePasswordToken - TESTUSER, rememberMe=false ( Skipping realm.
2023-11-07T12:02:54.782+01:00 WARN [MongoDBAuthServiceBackend] Failed to validate password for user

We use an NetScaler Loadbalancer which adding an header “X-Remote-User” with the AAA.USER which is authenticated against TACACS.
Between Loadbalancer and Graylog is an local apache which is configured as reverse proxy and is forewarding all needed information.

X-Remote-User: TESTUSER
X-Graylog-Server-URL: https://graylog.sub.domain.tld/
X-Forwarded-For: ← IP from Balancer
X-Forwarded-Host: graylog.sub.domain.tld
X-Forwarded-Server: bogus_host_without_reverse_dns
Connection: Keep-Alive

The trusted header is configured in Graylog.
The User is added locally in graylog with a differend password.
The User TESTUSER is added AFTER upgrade to 5.1
If i set the password to the TACACS-Password it works against Fallback Auth.

  • OS Information:
    Ubuntu 22.04

  • Package Version:
    graylog-server 5.1.8-1

To try to resolve the isssue i configured Graylog directly without apache. same behavior.

We have an Workaround for this.

Login, authenticated from NetScaler.
After this we see the Login-Dialog from Graylog. You can enter some random Data in User Password, press Enter to see the failed Login Message.

Now press SHIFT+F5 to reload the Page and tadaaa you are logged in.

Any idear?

Hey all

i will deploy an complete new machine to verify it is an error that occured because i have updated the Cluster…


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