Depending on your root configuration you might need to sudo
all command
1) Use grubby to set kernel to avoid the error - "docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: "
sudo grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0"
and reboot
sudo reboot
2) Use dnf to install docker and docker-compose; first check if dnf-plugins-core is installed
sudo dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core
sudo dnf install dockerd
sudo dnf install docker-compose
and reboot
sudo reboot
3) Then create a directory for graylog; I chose /opt/graylog
cd /opt
mkdir /graylog
4) Then create the following directory structure
5) Next we need to put down some config files
cd /opt/graylog/data/config
6) Now we need to create a dummy node-id file
still in the config directory
touch node-id
7) Apply security to data, mongodb and elasticsearchdata
chmod -R 777 /opt/graylog/<folder>
chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/graylog/<folder>
8) Next is the docker-compose file
cd /opt/graylog
nano docker-compose.yml
Remember to change mylinuxip to your linux machine’s IP
version: '3' services: # MongoDB: mongo: image: mongo:3 user: 1000:1000 networks: - graylog restart: always volumes: - /opt/graylog/mongodb:/data/db:z # Elasticsearch: elasticsearch: image: user: 1000:1000 environment: - - - - "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m" ulimits: memlock: soft: -1 hard: -1 deploy: resources: limits: memory: 1g networks: - graylog restart: always volumes: - /opt/graylog/elasticsearchdata:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data:z # Graylog: graylog: image: graylog/graylog:3.2 environment: # CHANGE ME (must be at least 16 characters)! - GRAYLOG_PASSWORD_SECRET=somepasswordpepper # Password: admin - GRAYLOG_ROOT_PASSWORD_SHA2=8c6976e5b5410415bde908bd4dee15dfb167a9c873fc4bb8a81f6f2ab448a918 - GRAYLOG_HTTP_EXTERNAL_URI=http://mylinuxip:9000/ networks: - graylog depends_on: - mongo - elasticsearch ports: # Graylog web interface and REST API - 9000:9000 # Syslog TCP - 1514:1514 # Syslog UDP - 1514:1514/udp # GELF TCP - 12201:12201 # GELF UDP - 12201:12201/udp restart: always volumes: - /opt/graylog/data/journal:/usr/share/graylog/data/journal:z - /opt/graylog/data/config:/usr/share/graylog/data/config:z networks: graylog: driver: bridge
8. Firewall to resolve later; let’s just disable it for now and restart docker
sudo systemctl stop firewalld
sudo systemctl restart docker
9. Start Graylog
cd /opt/graylog
docker-compose up
10. In a browser connect to Graylog
11. You can break out using Ctrl-C and then a
docker-compose down
12. Fix the firewall
Temporarily disable it from starting
sudo systemctl disable firewalld
13. Let Graylog docker-compose start on boot
All of the services run when you reboot your system if you run below command only once
docker-compose up -d
14. Some handy commands
docker-compose logs
docker volume ls
delete all volumes; carefull with this one
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
Hope this help someone; was a couple of hours research and not perfect, might have missed something. I am a relative NOOB @ Linux so forgive me if it is not 100%.