Timezone issues


I Have been looking at the forums trying to find a solution, managed to change it on the server itself under:
/etc/graylog/server/server.conf , but it still does not fix the issue, I need to do the following:

  1. All current users and All future Users Time zone must be set to
    Johannesburg (I’ve completed most already manually).

  2. Change Default Time zone to Display Johannesburg, for new users.

Thank you

when you create the user, you can select the timezone of the user. Additional every user is able to select his own timezone when he edit his profile.

I would like that field to be fixed to the default(Johannesburg) if possible.
when you create the user, you can select the timezone of the user(That is what they been doing)

Thank you though

That a specific timezone is pre-selected and/or that users can’t change this would be a feature request that need to be made in Github.

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