I made an input to receive logs from Filebeat.
Filebeat is picking telegram*.txt
Filebeat sent over the log at 2023-04-28 12:26:27 PM GMT +8.
Filebeat ONLY sends @timestamp in UTC timezone. In my case it should be
However in Graylog GUI I keep seeing 2023-04-28 12:26:27.738 in @timestamp field.
This made me think Filebeat is sending faulty @timestamp.
After debugging, I found Filebeat is indeed passing correct “@timestamp”:“2023-04-28T04:26:27.729Z” to Graylog.
Now I suspected Graylog is secretly modifying @timestamp value by adding 8 hours and changing its format (Timezone settings for my Graylog GUI is TimezoneAsia/Kuala_Lumpur, which is GMT +8).
After lots wasted time I found the original @timestamp from Filebeat is preserved and can be seen when I export the search results out of Graylog GUI in CSV format. CSV Export Picture
This is insanely confusing and time wasting. Is there a way to make @timestamp show exactly what was captured in original form in Graylog GUI Search?
I see, that sucks. I think a proper Log Management System should show the exact value captured from the log fields, instead of decorating it as something else.
Almost all the posts in this forum are discussing on their problems parsing their log timestamp correctly in Graylog, which is not my issue.
In my case timestamp is parsed correctly by Graylog.
But @timestamp value is displaying in different format than what the original UTC ISO8601 datetime sent by filebeat
But upon csv exporting the search results I can see the value sent by filebeat in @timestamp field in orignal UTC ISO8601 datetime.
For other readers.
timestamp field is generated when Graylog stamp the time on your logs. @timestamp field is value sent by Beats to Graylog with all other fields.
I think I will open an issue for this in GitHub.
Its not appropriate for LMS to behave this way.
Sorry your having hard time, I double checked my lab and it seams I do not have this issue. I have not parsed timestamp field/s nor create any piepline/extractors. Im not sure if you know this but Elasticsearch/Opensearch defaults to UTC, So depeneding on what timezone your in, you may have to adjust or recheck date/time on nodes/devices that are sending or receiveing logs. Thats all i have for ya.
You are having the same issue as me.
The @timestamp field in your Graylog GUI shows 2023-04-28 21:30:16.726
But that is not the string that filebeat sent to you.
Try pushing filebeat output to file, then open the file and see what string value is in @timestamp
I think its ok for Graylog to format the green marked value in human friendly date format converted into your user account timezone.
But any display touch up on the blue marked @timestamp value is a big no for a LMS.
Ok I probably figured why it is behaving this way.
Graylog identifies @timestmap field as date (instead of String), so that is why it is auto formatting it into other format.
You can check that link out , there are multipe way to adjust timestamp.
EDIT: I forgot to add, so if you want to change date --> string you need to go into Elasticsearch/Opensearch find you @timestamp field, a custom template is perfered.