Templates for new topics

I know there is a community guideline (https://community.graylog.org/guidelines) for this forum, but a lot of people don’t follow it, and usually forget to write version of graylog they are using and another important things, that could help other people to help them.

So, please consider use template with pre-filled basic question based on category.

Discourse support template based on forum category:

Something like github new issue templates will be great:

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Yes @benvanstaveren wrote a post about this that was pinned by Jan.

thank you @shoothub and @Ponet

we have this pinned post but I was thinking already in the same direction as @shoothub - but did not came up with an idea that is not offensive or provide to many options.

Because we notice in Github that if you provide one template for multiple types it will end that people try to answer all questions or that it ends with a short text above the template.

I’ll check what is possible and what not.

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