Split logwatch outpup for Graylog


  • This is my configuration:

On graylog I have 2 Inputs, one for all Linux servers, and one for all Windows servers:

On Logstash, I have 2 configurations file (one for linux (syslog) and one for windows (beat))

[root@ELK conf.d]# cat syslog.conf
        input {
           tcp {
            port => 1514
            type => syslog
          udp {
            port => 1514
            type => syslog
        output {
            gelf {
              host => ""
              port => 10000


[root@ELK conf.d]# cat beat.conf
input {
  beats {
    port => 5000
#codec => "json"
 output {
  gelf {
  host => ""
  port => 12201
  • On Linux server I have: (rsyslog.conf)

*.* @@

  • On Windows server I have: (winlogbeat.yml)

            registry_file: C:/ProgramData/winlogbeat/.winlogbeat.yml
          - name: Application
          - name: Security
          - name: System
      #----------------------------- Logstash output --------------------------------
        hosts: [""]
        to_files: true
          path: C:/ProgramData/winlogbeat/Logs
        level: info
  • And that works good BUT, I receive the logs go on the TWO Graylog’s inputs!!

  • On a Linux server, If I do “logger TEST LOGSTASH”, I have the same log x 2, One by Graylog’s Input!

log )

How Can I fix that?

Thank you for reading

if you expand the message you see in what indices that message is stored and what input received the message - this way you can debug what happens.

edit: I’m not a Logstash pro - but as you do not have any tags in your configuration the messages will be send to all outputs that are configured. So you seng the message twice from logstash. Change the configuration to include tags and it should work.

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That works:

For the Linux logs:

input {
  tcp {
    port => 1514
    type => syslog
 tags => ["linux"] # <--------tag


  udp {
    port => 1514
    type => syslog
    tags => ["linux"] # <--------tag


 output {
   if "linux" in [tags] { # <--------tag
  gelf {
  host => ""
  port => 10000

And for windows:

input {
  beats {
    port => 5000
    tags => ["windows"]  # <--------tag


output {
  if "windows" in [tags] {  # <--------tag
  gelf {
  host => ""
  port => 12201

Thank you.

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